if you added dubstep to this
it be crazy!
its a nice and steady song! i like
if you added dubstep to this
it be crazy!
its a nice and steady song! i like
thanks for the good review:D i appreciate it.
what program you use?
this song sounds really glitchy like the melodys are audio clips that cut out everytime they start over it bugs me XD
try adding a reverbed kick and a reversed crash threw out the soung to have a nice work up and everything ;)
i mostly use audacity. i get audio clips and record them sometims.
not to much d n b
more like hiphop, bass is nice in this tho! ;)
try pushing tempo up alot,
oddly its stuck in my head lol,
you have me dancing in my chair! XD
one of the leads is to distortedXD the guitar sounding one ,
a smooth transition from distorted sound to cleaner would have been nice!
Funny thing is it's not supposed to be a guitar, but it did end up sounding that way. haha. I might rewrite it with an actual guitar VST. Thanks for the review.
but repeats to much -.-
Haha! =) Glad you enjoyed RandomDanceOfHappy! ^_^
Yeah, actually, a great deal of club tracks are created to do that. =)
Think the instrumental rendition of popular music that you'd hear on the radio
[you know--those words that you just seem you can't shake! XD]
One reason why we sometimes call this kind of music "Grooves" or "Beats"
is because that's the general gist. =) To kind of get the crowd "into the beat"
or "in the groove" [haha--Roxor music game called that =)] and to flow with the
rhythm and the harmony until the floor is sweaty and the legs buckle and shake
to the "jive" musical memories! =) A lot of club/dance/house music focuses on
getting the grove to go alone 'cause if you think about it--4 to 5 minutes isn't all
that long. =) When it gets TOO complex, it's like, "Is this the same song? o.o"
Also with music that is mostly instrumental or dub-mixed [like this track]
you will sometimes hear the music go off into a "loopalicious groove" than you
would if there was singing or rapping on the track. haha. =) You'll likely notice a
HUGE difference when I complete the production work for the Full Vocal version
of this song as lyrics themselves are indeed part of the harmony and shifts in the song. =)
Thank You for listening in my friend. =)
Take care and remain awesome! =D
Forever In Love With All That Which Exists
(That Which Is Seen & Unseen, Known & Unknown),
-DJ, Writer, Artist, Musician, Eternal Student & Being of Existence, TIGER M [SO~HO! Saturday! ]
-1:34 PM (5/14/2011) [Eastern Standard Time, The Biding House, U.S.A.]
could i use this song?
well i dont me like me put over lyrics over it but my gfs brother dose alot of rapping he isent bad but he hates me so i been looking for stuff he can rap over and what not to try and get on his good side
so i was wondering if i could give them this and keep you updated if they make anything with it?
and yes piano is really epic.
yeah bro no doubt, hand it his way and let me know whats up =]
i dont hear much bass to the guitars
but thats just me maybe its my headphones
really short -.-
other thin thos two things well done!
Yeah, I really should'v put a bass :(
omgD: can you rty something ferr me?
this was realy epic! (i ment the term not just trying to sound cool)
has the same rift play at the end half a beat after the brake thin just add a kick or something to the 4 th or 8th beat. for a bit thin mix it back to a more clasicle and not hip hope sound! or go with it! just saying what i think would make this awesome.
or insted of a kick use a lower viola sound that has a higher atack and low res just
:D sorry for the typos i type faster thin i think. so ya.
-MiB!- keep me updated if you can:D
i can hear the basss :)
catchy but not my style! good melody. lvings fine good job!
I'll get back to trance pretty soon, I just like other kinds of music, you know? :p
Thanks for the review though!
i have a person that stalks my songs aswell :(
its like wtf with no reviews atleast give resoning of why. now to the real part of this!
most the parts fill really empty fill it up!
pads and everything!
melody s nice. theres no pow to the drums :/
lyrics are fairly good.
this poped in to my head as i read them tho. granted it may not fit to them
love or hate lets go back to when we where kids . where nothing hurt and everything was pure.
there aint a place. and theres no time. this worlds filled with crime.
theres no where left. theres no time .
idk if anyof that will hlep but ya :D i like the fill granted its not my type im on here to hear
keep up the work :D
Thanks. And yeah, I know there's still some work to do. To think this originally just started off as a short little theme song for a character I use in a role Play. Now I want it to be something more, and it's coming along nicely.
As for your added bit, I think I could use it. I already know how I want to sing certain parts, but the bits my friend added and the ones you suggested, will need some word play and tweaking before I can fit them in.
I'll see what I can do with your words, thanks a lot!
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Age 31, Male
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