its good to break away form the norm :D alot
can be done to this and would be a truely awesome song
melodys really great :D untill the drop that is! :D un till the drop its perfect
after theres so much going on the new lead has a few off notes and id prefer it to be a bit dif o.o the break is pure awesomeness also o.o just pure awesomeness o.o
1 55 needs some tweaking to fit it together better!
drums need more of a 1 2 3 4 kick to make it more dancey in my taste :D
but yea this hasta be my fave song so far ~ 3 14 = awesome.
if ya dont mind id like to work with this :3 to make it more of a dance hard core song :D :3
but yea best song so far 10/10 all the way :D