reviewing as it plays also.
cant promis ill stay for the intire 6 42 intro sounds nice
kinda long but its fine!
lfos to scrtachy almost filthy but not quite i dis like needs more high ends,
i do like the bg melody!
1 52 should have hit harder in -.- hi hats to loud now,
2 20 odd fade out dosent fit to well lits like i hit next and it switched songs?
i do like the melody builed up tho.
3 30 re intros to long now .
should detune the chored bells as the builed up gos on atleas i think thats what this is.
lfos to scratchy still:/
bass is nice tho.
high hat needs more of a ting 5 17 needs more of a dub step part thin it has once agen hi hats to loud.
odd fade out agen -.-
i really dis like that and idk what your gunna do in 42 seconds but hey its almost over! so ill stick around.
... okay random thing at the end XD
not to dubby really but its nice i give you a 4